Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting uses a customized approach to address the specific needs of each client. Our offerings can be provided as stand-alone services, or in combination as needed, to ensure that all underlying causes of discord are transformed into lasting harmony. Most services can be provided remotely.
If you are unsure what you need, we would be happy to discuss your situation and provide a complementary initial evaluation, or conduct a more formal Climate Assessment.
Whatever your needs, Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting is here to help get your organization back on track.
Group Intervention
Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting’s approach to group intervention combines techniques of mediation, facilitation, interest-based bargaining, and problem-solving theory. Group Collaborative Problem Solving is appropriate when a dispute involves more than two individuals, or when a group of employees is struggling with a common problem. Sessions are preceded by a Climate Assessment, and may include a training component.
Is your team just forming, or in need of a little fine tuning? Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting’s Team Development sessions and Team Tune-ups use a similar approach to get teams off to a good start and keep them on the right track.
Executive Coaching for Abrasive Leaders (Boss Whispering®)
Boss Whispering® is a specialized form of executive coaching designed for use with bosses or others in positions of influence who use abrasive or harmful interpersonal behaviors that cause emotional distress in co-workers sufficient to disrupt organizational functioning. Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting helps such individuals to recognize the effects their behaviors have on their co-workers, and to learn and implement more appropriate behaviors that will help them be more successful as supervisors and leaders.
I am one of only 28 accredited Boss Whispering® consultants worldwide. Wondering if you have an abrasive leader in your organization? Contact me to find out.
Collaborative Leadership and Conflict Resolution Training
I am an approved presenter of Glaser & Associates, Inc.’s Collaborative Leadership: Hardwiring Teamwork training. The training teaches leaders:
A consensus decision-making model that results in productive, action-packed meetings, where a tremendous amount is accomplished in record time and people feel heard in the process and committed to the results.
A problem-solving model that allows individuals with differing opinions and perspectives to come together and solve problems collaboratively.
Refresher training in basic communication and conflict resolution skills is also available.
Climate Assessment
Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting conducts comprehensive sensing and analysis to better understand the concerns or issues of a work group, unit, or team. Team members are interviewed; the responses are compiled and analyzed to identify key issues or concerns; and the findings are used to develop strategies for addressing the concerns or presented in a written Climate Assessment along with recommended actions.
Conflict Dynamics Profile
I am certified to administer Individual and 360-degree Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) assessments. The CDP focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps individuals and teams understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.
Managing Abrasive Behavior Training
Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting can provide presentations, webinars, or seminars on Managing Abrasive Behavior based on the Boss Whispering® approach, to teach managers how to deal with chronic patterns of abrasive behavior toward others.
Seeking Accord Leadership Consulting offers mediation of disputes in which both parties are willing to work together to create a collaborative resolution that is acceptable to both.
Leadership Consultancy Services to Fit Your Needs
I start with a preliminary assessment of your situation, suggestions for possible courses of action, and if necessary design of a comprehensive approach to achieving workplace harmony.
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What My Clients Say
Resolving Official for Formal EEO Mediation - Mediation Client
“Melissa was beyond excellent. Outstanding is a more accurate word. She went above and beyond simple mediation and worked skillfully and as hard as everyone to attain resolution. She had terrific ideas and was very creative and helpful. Very credible and trustworthy. Among the top three mediators I have ever had.”