Collaborative Leadership Testimonials
Featured Case
“We are screaming today [using the consensus decision-making model that Melissa taught us]. We’ve been working on this reorganization since 2011. The progress we are making today is so cool. It’s impressive! I have continually been impressed by Melissa’s skills and breadth of knowledge.”
- Union Representative
“What a pleasure it was to work with you. I learned so much from you and was able to hold on to some valuable tools and lessons that you taught us. I admired your efficient work style and your assertive yet caring facilitation/teaching style.” - EEO Specialist
“We’ve been working on this reorganization for seven years. [Using the consensus model that Melissa taught us] the progress we made this week is impressive! It would have been impossible to do what the Forest Leadership Team did this week without Melissa’s help.” - Administrative Operations Specialist
“I would like to personally thank you for your honest effort and dedication to bring the team to a new level of cohesiveness and teamwork—it is a huge step in the right direction.”
“The decision-making model [you presented] will help get our very diverse group to a common decision or outcome.”